About Us
Pray As You Go is a daily journey and an encounter with God. We are here to support your prayer life each day with a short meditation session and an invitation to go deeper through other prayer tools, series, retreats and resources. It's always free and always simple.

Our daily meditation sessions use a mix of music, scripture and short reflective questions. They are between 10 and 13 minutes long, allowing for a quick, but focussed time of prayer. Continue the journey with a time of silence and journaling to see what stirred up in your reflection time. You can go a little further too with our extra prayer tools, or escape with a digital prayer retreat.
Our meditation sessions use Ignatian spirituality, a practice of prayer based on the spiritual exercises created by St Ignatius of Loyola in the 1500s. Imagination in prayer was really important to Ignatius, and he encouraged the use of all of our senses, allowing for a creatively deep moment with Jesus through the scriptures.
Another key tool of this spirituality is noticing God in all things. We therefore have extra prayers called Examens, encouraging you to review your day, to see where God was moving and active.
Preparing for prayer is also hugely valuable, so we have plenty of sessions to help you get settled into a time with God, becoming aware of your surroundings, and using breathing and body exercises.
To find out more, have a look through some of our blogs, podcasts and extra prayer sessions.
In 2006, Fr Peter Scally SJ, a British Jesuit, created a daily podcast to allow commuters a quick burst of prayer using Ignatian prayer techniques. Originally designed as a trial for Lent, the podcast took off and eventually swept around the world. We launched an app in 2014 and continue to be thrilled at the number of people praying each day from so many countries.

Pray As You Go is currently accessible in 10 languages. Each version has their own unique style and music, but you'll be able to spot the familiar format and Ignatian input!
If you've just discovered praying with Ignatian spirituality through us, you might like to go a little deeper with some of our friends.
Thinking Faith, Sacred Space and Jesuits in Britain all have great material available to help you on your faith journey.