Some tips for praying with this retreat

Each Monday during Lent, we will release a new session for you to spend the week in prayer and reflection with.
Each session will last about 20 to 25 minutes and will provide a stillness exercise for you to enter into prayer with; a short scripture reading, followed by a section of reflection and finally, an opportunity to talk to the Lord to finish.
We suggest that you make a decision on a time of day you will pray and to try to keep to it as much as you can. This will help you to maintain a prayerful rhythm throughout the season. Some people find it easier to pray early in the morning - others prefer to pray in the evening or at night. Choose a time that is good for you, a time when you can rest and be thankful, knowing that God welcomes you into his presence. You might also like to journal as you go along, noting something that particularly stands out to you, or something that stays with you as you.
As you prepare now to pray with session 1, you might like to pray the following words:
O God,
during this time of Lent,
remind us of your nearness.
In your love, be with us;
all our hope is in you.

Introduction: Tips for prayer
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