Praying with Art

Art can speak to our deepest feelings, calling forth our own creative response to the creativity of the artist. Just as we can be moved by a beautiful sunset, or seeing the smile of a child, or hearing a wonderful musical symphony, often without knowing why, so a painting or sculpture can move us beyond words to some deep feeling, some movement of the heart towards God.

It can move us to a feeling of ‘I know not what’ as CS Lewis put it or, in another of his phrases,‘being surprised by joy.’ Or, as Ignatius would say, allowing us to experience ‘inner feeling and relish’. We do not need to like or admire the art... as we notice our ‘inner feelings’ even responses of unease or discomfort are telling us something... and we can bring this movement to God in prayer. You might like to choose or find a piece of art or an image now to help you practise with.

Listen to our audio guide to help you pray step-by-step with your painting or image of choice…

Praying with Art: Introduction
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