Take a few moments to recognise that you are here with the Lord, to have a few minutes quiet time together.
Feel the warmth of God’s love as God looks upon you. Bask in that experience. God is inviting you at this moment into an ever-deeper relationship of love.
With this loving God, think a bit about the day that has been.
What in this day am I thankful for? What are the moments that come to mind that have been received as a gift, that lead me to say “Thank you” to God.
What in this day might I be sorry for? What are the moments of selfishness and unkindness and any other times when I did not manage to be Jesus’ hands, feet, eyes, his love, his compassion for the people around me. I say “sorry” to God.
I ask God now to nudge me if there was something God was trying to tell me today when I wasn’t paying attention! As I look towards tomorrow, these are some of the people and events that I want to pray for.
And finally, please help me to be more attentive to you tomorrow.
Our Father...