Father, you know us, you love us and you call us by name as a couple.
Holy Spirit, give us your strength to grow strong together.
Christ Jesus, make your home with us, as we make ours with you.
As a couple we have particular responsibilities to each other.
As well as a particular call to love each other, and the members of our family, and family friends, we are also called to consider the needs of the world: the poor, those on the margins of church and society, and the earth herself.
How do you as a couple respond to these wider needs? . . .
In truth, you might not have time or energy for much of this!
The temptation to do too much or to feel unhelpfully guilty about what we are not doing, is not from the Good Spirit.
A sign that God is calling us to something is often a joy in living it.
Frederick Buechner
defines vocation as “the place where the world’s deep hunger meets your own deep gladness.”
How might you as a couple respond with deep gladness to some
hunger or need outside your close circle? . . .
You might want to press pause here and share together on what is happening for you . . .
Lord, where we are responding to wider needs, help us to continue.
Where you are calling us to a more generous service, show us the way. If we are trying to do too much, make this clear to us. Speak to us in a way we can understand and confirm it with your gift of peace, and even joy.
We ask this in your name.
Glory be...