Where Two Are Gathered: Day 4

Father, you know us, you love us and you call us by name as a couple.
  Holy Spirit, give us your strength to grow strong together.
  Christ Jesus, make your home with us, as we make ours with you.

St Ignatius invites people to ask for the grace that they desire.
  There is value in articulating what we want from God and trying to keep it as simple as possible.
  We don’t think it’s because God doesn’t know what we need until we put it into words.
  It’s more that the act of asking changes us and makes us more able to receive whatever God is wanting to give.
  We see an example of this in the gospel of Mark where Jesus asks blind Bartimaeus, “What do you want me to do for you?” 

Many couples have children, and usually have other family or others that they care for.
  Including children, name three people each that you want to pray for . . In turn, name them, and each of you ask God something you want for them.
  Let your partner do the same.
  You’ll need some time so you might press pause.
  When you’ve done this with all of them, press play again . . . . . .

Lord, we bring these people to you.
  You know what we want for them.
  We place them in your hands.
  We do this in your name.

Glory be . . .

Day 4
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