Significance Examen

Take a moment to be quiet. If you are holding anything in your hand or there is anything in your lap, put it on the floor. Become focused and still.

Now imagine God looking upon you with great love. You are my beloved, says the Lord, precious in my eyes. How does it feel to hear those words being spoken to you?

Significance means a number of things. Worthy of attention. Important. Precious. Take a moment to recognise how precious, important, significant you are to the Lord. He delights in you, and on you His favour rests.

Take a moment to think of all the people in your life at this present moment and in your history that have helped you to know your significance before God. Your parents and family. Your friends, teachers, youth workers. Bring each one of them to mind and place them before the Lord, thanking Him for their presence in your life.

There are many things that help us to draw closer to the Lord. There are many things which try to take us away. What are the things that help you draw closer? What are the things that try and take you away?

With our phones we can be connected. We can feel part of a bigger world, a global family. Sometimes, though, we can be over-connected. We can allow our phones and media to take over our lives, to dominate too much of our time. We can be connected to the world but distant from our neighbour. What does this say to you?

Our friendships can be at risk of becoming shallow or superficial. Sometimes we turn away. We can fail to recognise Jesus in our midst, family, friends and in the poor. How can we strengthen our friendships? How can we strengthen our friendship with the Lord?

How significant has this day been for you? Think of one or two things that you have seen, heard or felt today. What is it that you want to take away with you?

Tomorrow is a new day. What will it bring? Ask the Lord to be with you no matter what. Take a moment to offer tomorrow to the Lord.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Significance Examen
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