Welcome to the Saturday Examen.
You might like to be outdoors, or to gaze outdoors, for today’s examen. Perhaps if you can, go for a walk, or just sit at an open window.
Ask God to throw light on this prayer time.
Take a moment to breathe in the fresh air. Breathe deeply. Lift your face to the sky. Let your arms swing around you. Walk slowly, or briskly, just as you please. Pay attention to the sounds around you. The smells. Touch any plants or trees, any water, any stone. Become aware that you are part of your surroundings. Sense the privilege of being part of the whole.
Look back over your week. When and where have you had any sense of goodness, kindness, gentleness in the world around you? Try and be specific. Savour those moments. Luxuriate in them. Give thanks for them. How do you sense God responding to your thankful heart?
Perhaps you have felt sorrow, or sadness, or a heavy heart at times. Try and articulate how that felt. Bring those times to God. Let it all out. Sense God’s compassionate, listening ear.
What graces do you need for the coming days? Ask for those now. Imagine God giving what you are asking.
As you close the time of prayer, notice how you feel. Lift your gaze once more, breathe in the fresh air once more.
And go on your way, with God, your ever-present companion, at your side.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.