Monday 5 August 2024

Today is Monday 5 August in the 18th week of Ordinary Time.

The University of Johannesburg Choir sings the Kyrie from Missa De Meridiana Terra: Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy. These imploring words, which have been sung for centuries, are a reminder of the inexhaustible mercy of God, of God’s unfailing compassion and forgiveness.

Kyrie eleison
Christe eleison

Today’s reading is from the Gospel of Matthew.

Matthew 14:1-12

At that time Herod the ruler heard reports about Jesus; and he said to his servants, ‘This is John the Baptist; he has been raised from the dead, and for this reason these powers are at work in him.’ For Herod had arrested John, bound him, and put him in prison on account of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, because John had been telling him, ‘It is not lawful for you to have her.’ Though Herod wanted to put him to death, he feared the crowd, because they regarded him as a prophet. But when Herod’s birthday came, the daughter of Herodias danced before the company, and she pleased Herod so much that he promised on oath to grant her whatever she might ask. Prompted by her mother, she said, ‘Give me the head of John the Baptist here on a platter.’ The king was grieved, yet out of regard for his oaths and for the guests, he commanded it to be given; he sent and had John beheaded in the prison. The head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, who brought it to her mother. His disciples came and took the body and buried it; then they went and told Jesus.

This is a most extraordinary story, the gratuitous murder of John the Baptist. How does it sit with you as you’ve listened?

Why do you think Herod thought that Jesus was John the Baptist returned to life? What feelings might have been going on inside him, do you think?

We hear that Herod was “afraid of the crowd”. Why do you think that was? What was he so afraid of?

Now listen as the passage is read again. Does anything powerfully strike you this time?

Finally, see if you can turn all this into a prayer to God, in your own words.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Monday, 5 August
18th week in Ordinary Time
00:00 -00:00