Welcome to the Saturday Examen.
The first scripture reading for this Sunday sees the Israelites complaining about the challenges of pilgrimage through the desert. God provides them with bread for the journey.
With the examen we always like to start with gratitude rather than complaining!
So, what has been bread for your body in the last week? What has been bread for your soul? And what has fed the deepest part of your soul: your spirit? In all of that, what are you feeling most thankful for?
Savour this most thankful ‘bread for the journey’. . . Give thanks to it and for it . . .
Might you also have some complaints? It’s OK: God can take it! As you look back at the last week, what was annoying, frustrating or in any way life-sapping?
Get in touch with one example of this and be honest about it . . .
Share this with the God who loves you . . . breathe in God’s love . . . What happens between you and God?
Ask God for all the kinds of bread you need for the coming week . . .
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.