Welcome to the Saturday Examen.
This week, we have seen how the Lord enters into relationship with our humanity. Whether simple hunger, grief, insecurity or overblown ambition, the Lord has been there to bring balance to our lives. Maybe this could be the focus of our Examen today?
Take a few moments today to see the past week with the Lord’s guidance.
Prepare yourself for prayer by focussing on your breath…take a few deep breaths in…and then a few releasing breaths out. Notice how the change in breath brings stillness and an awareness of God’s presence. We might begin by asking for the wisdom that also weaves throughout the scripture for this week.
Cast your mind back over the week… where have you experienced this need of the Lord, a call to witness, a generosity of Spirit?
Is there a particular moment God is drawing you to remember? Notice what rises to the surface naturally… allow the moment to reveal itself …
Do you notice any challenges, lack of understanding or frustration? Allow these moments to be witnessed…
Where, in the prayer journey of the week, have you found an opening of the heart, where have you been challenged? Has there been something calling you to action this week? Again, notice what arises naturally…
Look forward to the days to come, with a prayer of thanksgiving, asking for God's grace and guidance to carry the insights gained into each day.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.