The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul | Sunday 30 June 2024

Today is Sunday 30 June, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, beginning the 13th week of Ordinary Time.

Salt of the Sound sings ‘Praise to the Lord’. Can you echo this prayer of praise today?

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation
O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation
Come, all who hear; now to his temple draw near
Join me in glad adoration
Praise to the Lord, above all things so wondrously reigning
Sheltering you under his wings, and so gently sustaining
Ponder anew what the Almighty can do
If with his love he befriends you
Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore him
All that has life and breath, come now with praises before him
Let the Amen sound from his people again
Gladly forever adore him
Let the Amen sound from his people again
Gladly forever adore him

Today’s reading is from Psalm 29 and can be found as Psalm 30 in other versions of the Bible.

Psalm 29

I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me
And have not let my enemies rejoice over me.
O Lord, I cried to you for help
And you, my God, have healed me.
O Lord, you have raised my soul from the dead,
Restored me to life from those who sink into the grave.
Sing psalms to the Lord, you who love him,
Give thanks to his holy name.
His anger lasts but a moment; his favour through life.
At night there are tears, but joy comes with dawn.
I said to myself in my good fortune:
“Nothing will ever disturb me.”
Your favour had set me on a mountain fastness,
Then you hid your face and I was put to confusion.
To you, Lord, I cried,
To my God I made appeal:
“What profit would my death be, my going to the grave?
Can dust give you praise or proclaim your truth?”
The Lord listened and had pity.
The Lord came to my help.
For me you have changed my mourning into dancing,
You removed my sackcloth and girdled me with joy.
So my soul sings psalms to you unceasingly.
O Lord my God, I will thank you for ever.

“Sing psalms to the Lord, you who love Him”. Can you think of a time you have sung a psalm to the Lord recently? Is singing to God a big part of your life?

“To you, Lord, I cried…” And now, can you bring to mind a time you have cried to the Lord? Perhaps you are doing so now…

Psalms teach us to pray from the heart. As you listen again, how are you inspired by the words? What stays with you?

“The Lord listened and had pity”. As this prayer time closes, speak to the Lord about anything that is stirring within you, knowing that the Lord is listening and takes pity.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Sunday, 30 June
13th week in Ordinary Time
00:00 -00:00