Saturday 30 March 2024

Holy Saturday: Examen

Holy Week is full of the drama of our human dread of pain and death, betrayal and loss. We live our own Holy Week experiences in every instance of suffering that we live through. How have these Holy Week readings spoken to you in your own context?

Our readings from Isaiah show us the figure of the Suffering Servant, of a God who has patience with our weaknesses and supports us in our struggles. He offers to shape us without coercion into his own likeness, and to free us from captivity. Where do you most want to experience that freedom in your life?

Talking to Peter and his disciples, Jesus shows that he knows them in the depths of their hearts, better than they know themselves, yet he still loves and strengthens those who fail him. How do you see your own failures in light of this love and unfailing friendship?

Have there been particular graces that you have found yourself asking for during Lent and Holy Week? Take some time to reconnect with the hopes and fears that have arisen within you in response to these readings. What liberating graces is God inviting you to receive this Easter?

Holy Saturday is above all a waiting time as we join Mary and the disciples of Jesus in their sorrow and their glimmerings of hope. As you wait for the light of Easter to dawn, take time to say what is in your heart to God, asking for light and freedom wherever you feel it is most needed in your life and in the world.

We adore you O Christ and we bless you
For by your Holy Cross and resurrection, You have redeemed the world.

Saturday, 30 March
Holy Week
00:00 -00:00