Saturday 9 March 2024

Welcome to the Saturday Examen.

This week we are near the centre of the Lenten season. Lent is a focussed time of repentance, of turning more fully towards God and God’s love. Notice, as this prayer starts, one place where you have experienced God’s love this week, and thank God for it.

It’s a good working assumption that God has shown you his love much more often than just once this week. Ask for the gift of a clearer sight of where God has been most powerfully at work since last weekend.

Now look back at the week in the light of that. Don’t strain, or censor what comes to mind. Simply recall different places and times where, as you can now see, God has been offering you his gifts.

Notice, too, how you’ve responded to God and God’s gifts this week. Thank him for the gifts you’ve used well. You might want to apologise for where you’ve overlooked or misused other gifts.

Finally look towards the days ahead. Where do you expect to be, and what do you expect to be doing? Ask God for whatever you need to respond well to these days ahead, and to see the signs of God’s continuing love of you.

You have given all to me
To you, Lord, I return it
Everything is Yours
Do with it what You will
Give me only Your love and Your grace
That is enough for me

Saturday, 9 March
3rd week of Lent
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