Saturday 24 February 2024

Welcome to the Saturday examen.

Take a moment to become still…aware of God’s desire to be here with you in this moment. Notice how you experience God’s presence with you now…

As you look back over this week of prayer, what really stands out for you? Did you at all feel the presence of God in your prayer this week?

Was there one moment in your life, or a particular scripture passage or verse, that spoke deeply to you this week? What do you think it is saying to you now?

Was there a point when you really experienced a lightness of heart, and felt that God was there? If so, could you express this as a prayer of gratitude?

Was there a moment when you had no sense at all of the presence of God? Why do you think that might have been?

What do you think God is saying to you today in your prayer? How are you going to respond?

You have given all to me
To you, Lord I return it.
Everything is yours
Do with it what you will.
Give me only your love and your grace.
That is enough for me.

Saturday, 24 February
1st week of Lent
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