Saturday 30 December 2023

Welcome to the Saturday Examen.

Christmas is generally thought of as a time of innocence, when we abandon our adult cynicism and world-weariness and return to simpler childhood memories.

Yet this week’s readings are about very grown-up themes of rejection, violence, and the struggle to keep on hoping in the face of darkness. What has your experience been of immersing yourself in these readings? If you haven’t prayed with the reading this week, just bring to mind whatever darkness you are facing at the moment… How have you experienced it this week?

The very familiarity of the Christmas story can make it hard to approach it with fresh imagination and a new perspective. Have you had any sense of being invited to grow this week? In what sense? Or have the readings or experiences of the week perhaps dug up painful thoughts and memories or your struggle with faith itself? What might help you to grow in faith, hope and love?

Wednesday’s reading invites us to enter into the fellowship of faith in Jesus and to share the joy that lies at the heart of it. How did you find yourself responding to that invitation?

The story of the presentation of Jesus in the temple speaks of a sword piercing Mary’s heart. It also names Jesus as a sign of contradiction. Have you experienced him in this way? What contradictions need to be resolved in your life?

Have there been particular graces that you have found yourself asking for this week, or a desire to thank God for the gift of the Christ child? Take some time to reconnect with your desires, hopes and gratitude.

Amid all the busyness of Christmas, God invites us to ponder the words of Scripture in our hearts and to dream great dreams as Mary and Joseph did. Take time now to say what is in your heart to God, asking for whatever grace seems to be drawing you.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Saturday, 30 December
1st week of Christmas
00:00 -00:00