Saturday 16 December 2023

Welcome to the Saturday Examen.

On Saturdays we look back at the week to see where God has been working. Don’t worry if you haven’t prayed with us this week; we will guide you through a prayer to simply recognise the movement of God in your life and through scripture.

One of the main themes present in our readings from the past week has been the Advent invitation of returning to God.

As you begin your prayer today, take some time now to come home to yourself.

How are you today? What feelings are around for you right now?

As you approach the Lord in prayer, bring all your feelings with you, knowing that he loves to meet with you exactly as you are.

Take a moment to reflect on your week: when you felt most alive to God, and those moments when you felt most distant.

Now, a line of scripture reading from each day from the past week will be read. Although they may be familiar to you, try listening with freshly attuned ears, to see if a word or phrase remains with you.

The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad,
 the desert shall rejoice and blossom…

If a shepherd has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray?

Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

For I, the Lord your God,
 hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you, ‘Do not fear,
 I will help you.’

Yet wisdom is vindicated by her deeds.

Which word or phrase most stays with you?

Why do you think this resonates with you today? Take some time with the Lord to reflect on this now.

Now offer the week ahead to the Lord, asking for his blessing.

O Wisdom
Lord and Ruler
Root of Jesse
Key of David
Rising Sun
King of the Nations
Come, Lord Jesus.

Saturday, 16 December
2nd week of Advent
00:00 -00:00