The Feast of All Saints of the Society of Jesus | Monday 6 November 2023

Today is Monday 6 November, the Feast of All Saints of the Society of Jesus, in the 31st week of Ordinary time.

CalledOut Music sings ‘Joy’.

My light and salvation is You
I've got a firm foundation in You, Lord
You hold me daily, daily
The hope for my soul
I'm ever so safe here with You, Lord
I've got grace everywhere I be
With blessings falling on me
There's nothing too hard for the God that I serve
Tell me, why should I be afraid?
No matter what comes my way
I'll overcome with a smile on my face
I've got that joy like a river flowing down to my soul, oh, yeah
I feel like dancing, yeah, I feel it in my bones, oh, yeah
Oh-oh-oh, yeah
I sing, I sing oh
It feels like a dream
'Cause with You on my team, I'm winning (Mm)
Nothing's gonna hold me back, no
Nothing's gonna stop my praise
Nothing's gonna keep me silent
I'll say it from the rooftops
I've got grace everywhere I be
Blessings falling on me
There's nothing too hard for the God that I serve
Tell me, why should I be afraid?
No matter what comes my way
I'll overcome with a smile on my face
I've got that joy like a river flowing down to my soul, oh, yeah
I feel like dancing, yeah, I feel it in my bones, oh, yeah
Oh-oh-oh, yeah
So give me joy in my heart, keep me praising
Give me joy in my heart, I pray
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising
Keep me praising 'til the break of day
Oh, I've got that joy like a river flowing down to my soul, oh, yeah
I choose that joy like a river flowing down to my soul, oh, yeah

Today’s reading is from the book of Deuteronomy.

Deut 30:9b-14

The Lord your God will make you abundantly prosperous in all your undertakings, in the fruit of your body, in the fruit of your livestock, and in the fruit of your soil. For the Lord will again take delight in prospering you, just as he delighted in prospering your ancestors, when you obey the Lord your God by observing his commandments and decrees that are written in this book of the law, because you turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

Surely, this commandment that I am commanding you today is not too hard for you, nor is it too far away. It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will go up to heaven for us, and get it for us so that we may hear it and observe it?’ Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will cross to the other side of the sea for us, and get it for us so that we may hear it and observe it?’ No, the word is very near to you; it is in your mouth and in your heart for you to observe.

Most of us think of commands in terms of restraint, a restriction of our freedom to do as we please. God’s command is closer to us than we are to ourselves, in our words and in the deep desires of our hearts. It calls us to freedom and growth, not to diminishment. Spend some time reflecting on your relationship with the commands of God…

Today the Jesuits celebrate all the saints of their order, those known and unknown. Many of these followed God’s will at the cost of their lives, but experienced deep freedom and consolation in so doing. What has been your experience of seeking God’s will?

As you hear the reading repeated, see if any words or phrases catch your attention and stay with you. Why do those words draw or repel you specially?

As you allow today’s reading to take hold, is there something you find yourself wanting to say to God? Speak from your heart as God’s word within this reading invites you.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Monday, 6 November
31st week in Ordinary Time
00:00 -00:00