The Feast of Saint Jerome | Saturday 30 September 2023

Today is Saturday 30 September, the feast of Saint Jerome, in the 25th week of Ordinary time.

Welcome to the Saturday Examen.

Our prayer this week began with an image of a lamp lighting up a dark place. This examen prayer asks for that same kind of light from God to be shone over your life in recent days, to see more clearly what God has been doing with you. Start, then, by asking for a gift of clearer sight, to see God’s actions in these days more fully, and so to be better able to thank God for them.

Then let the days that you’re looking back over unfold unhurriedly before your mind’s eye. When something catches your attention, stay with it for a moment or two before moving on.

What is there this week that you are most grateful for? What, in these days, can you recognise from wherever you are today as a gift from God for you?

Notice your reactions to all that God has done for and with you this week. Respond to God with gratitude for all that’s been good. If any of your reactions have been harmful to yourself or to others, ask for God’s forgiveness.

Now look forward to the next few days. From what you’ve seen here, in this examen prayer, what light are you wanting to ask God for, to help steer you though the immediate future? What do you need in order to be a true light for others in the days ahead? Ask, confident that you will receive.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Saturday, 30 September
25th week in Ordinary Time
00:00 -00:00