Welcome to the Saturday Examen.
On Saturdays, we like to look back over the week to see where God has been moving both in our prayer times, and in our day-to-day lives.
Take a moment to become still before God, recognising God’s loving presence with you now, wherever you are.
Today, we will reflect with the scripture we’ve encountered this week. Don’t worry if you haven’t been able to pray with all (or even any) of the days, we will simply reflect on a line from each day to help us pray.
As you listen to a verse from each day, notice if you recall any moments you felt yourself moving closer to God when you prayed with them. Or, if these are fresh for you, notice if any stir you or stay with you…
…’but now our strength is dried up, and there is nothing at all but this manna to look at.’
‘Not so with my servant Moses;
he is entrusted with all my house.
With him I speak face to face—clearly, not in riddles’.
“Look! Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.”
Whoever serves me, the Father will honour.
For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.
Spend a moment letting these settle in with you a little more… what would you like to savour?
Have any of the verses brought up any unfinished business with God, or any worries? Speak to God about these now, as one friend to another…
As you hold all these reflections at the end of this prayer time, what graces would you like to ask the Lord for, to help you stay close to God this week?
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.