Saturday 10 June 2023

Welcome to the Saturday Examen.

Become still before the living God; the life-giving God who loves us deeply.

Today’s prayer starts, not with a Bible passage, but with an awareness of God’s continuing work, in your own life and in the world around you. Start, then, by asking God for his help in recognising more clearly where he has been present to you this week.

Take a few moments to look back over the week. Has it been a good one, a bad one, or mixed? What are the moments where you have felt yourself to be most fully yourself, most fully alive?

If these are the moments where God is most clearly present, notice how you have responded to God, and to God’s gifts, this week.

Now speak to God of what you’ve seen. You might want to thank him for the good times, seek forgiveness for times when you’ve gone off course, or simply re-live a moment when God seemed especially close.

Finally, look forward to the week ahead. Think of the places you’ll be, the people you’ll meet, the situations you’ll be facing. What do you need from God for all that? Finish this prayer by asking for whatever it is that you most need from him now.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.

Saturday, 10 June
9th week in Ordinary Time
00:00 -00:00