Thursday 22 December 2022

Today is Thursday the 22nd of December, in the fourth week of Advent.

The Choir of Royal Holloway sing a setting of the Magnificat by George Arthur. As you listen, how do you imagine Mary singing this song? What gestures would she have made? What facial expressions?

My soul doth magnify the Lord.
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
For he hath regarded: the lowliness of his handmaiden:
For behold, from henceforth: all generations shall call me blessed.
For he that is mighty hath magnified me: and holy is his Name.
And his mercy is on them that fear him: throughout all generations.
He hath shewed strength with his arm:
he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
He hath put down the mighty from their seat:
and hath exalted the humble and meek.
He hath filled the hungry with good things:
and the rich he hath sent empty away.
He remembering his mercy hath holpen his servant Israel:
As he promised to our forefathers, Abraham and his seed for ever.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen.

Today’s reading is from the Gospel of Luke.

Luke 1:46-56

And Mary said,
‘My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour,
for he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant.
Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
for the Mighty One has done great things for me,
and holy is his name.
His mercy is for those who fear him
from generation to generation.
He has shown strength with his arm;
he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts.
He has brought down the powerful from their thrones,
and lifted up the lowly;
he has filled the hungry with good things,
and sent the rich away empty.
He has helped his servant Israel,
in remembrance of his mercy,
according to the promise he made to our ancestors,
to Abraham and to his descendants for ever.’
And Mary remained with her for about three months and then returned to her home.

Mary’s body is great with child, and her whole being is swollen with joy. Yet she recognizes that she is the lowliest of God’s servants. As you hear her song today, allow yourself to recognize your littleness before the greatness of God.

What are the great things that God has done for you? Recall a few of them and spend some time in God’s presence giving thanks.

Mary’s words hint at an upheaval of society in which the mighty will become the least. As you listen again, you might like to think of ways in which you are called to restore dignity to the least in our society, just as God exults Mary.

Mary and Elizabeth speak as friends in the hill country of Judea. In the same way, take a moment to speak to God about what is happening in your life. Talk to him about the kind of change you would like to see in the world, and listen to his response.

O Wisdom
Lord and Ruler
Root of Jesse
Key of David
Root of Jesse
Rising Sun
King of the Nations
Come, Lord Jesus

Thursday, 22 December
4th week of Advent
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