Friday 4 February 2022

Today is Friday the 4th of February, in the fourth week of Ordinary time.
One Hope Project sing, ‘All things new.’ As you begin to pray today, become aware of the ways God is making all things new in your life.

Today’s reading is from the Book of Ecclesiasticus.

Ecclus 47: 2-11 

As the fat is set apart from the offering of well-being,

   so David was set apart from the Israelites. 
He played with lions as though they were young goats,
   and with bears as though they were lambs of the flock. 
In his youth did he not kill a giant,
   and take away the people’s disgrace,
when he whirled the stone in the sling
   and struck down the boasting Goliath? 
For he called on the Lord, the Most High,
   and he gave strength to his right arm
to strike down a mighty warrior,
   and to exalt the power of his people. 

So they glorified him for the tens of thousands he conquered,
   and praised him for the blessings bestowed by the Lord,
   when the glorious diadem was given to him. 
For he wiped out his enemies on every side,
   and annihilated his adversaries the Philistines;
   he crushed their power to our own day. 

In all that he did he gave thanks
   to the Holy One, the Most High, proclaiming his glory;
he sang praise with all his heart,
   and he loved his Maker. 
He placed singers before the altar,
   to make sweet melody with their voices. 
He gave beauty to the festivals,
   and arranged their times throughout the year,
while they praised God’s holy name,
   and the sanctuary resounded from early morning. 

The Lord took away his sins,
   and exalted his power for ever;
he gave him a covenant of kingship
   and a glorious throne in Israel.

Today’s reading could be described as a tribute to David and his wonderful deeds. Perhaps our first memory of about David was hearing the story of the young shepherd who killed the giant Goliath with his stones in a sling. Our reading tells us that he first called out to God the Most High to help him with this task.

Perhaps there are situations in your life where you feel as if you are surrounded by giants or adversaries. Can you, like David, call out to God the Most high to enable you face these today?

‘In all that he did, David gave thanks, he sang praise with all his heart, he loved his Maker.’

As you hear the second part of this reading again, can you lift your eyes from the troubles that surround you and praise God with all your heart, focussing on your love for your Maker?

Amidst all his deeds, David has a rhythm of praise towards God; We hear that ‘He gave beauty to the festivals, arranged their times throughout the year, when God’s name was praised, and the sanctuary resounded from early morning.’

Can you identify your rhythms of praise for God?

Perhaps you would like to create some or expand these times of prayer. Talk with the Lord about this now.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Friday, 4 February
4th week in Ordinary Time
00:00 -00:00