Saturday Examen | Saturday 4 December 2021

Welcome to the Saturday Examen.
  Take a moment to prepare yourself for prayer by becoming aware of the God of love gazing at you now.

Each Saturday, Pray As You Go offers an opportunity to review the week, and to recognise more clearly where you have found God in it. As a starting-point, pick out one thing that you
’d want to thank God for this week. 
Now ask God, in your own words, to make you more aware of the signs of God
’s presence with you during these last few days. 
Next, take a moment or two to look back over the week. Where are you now most aware of God at work, or of the various signs that show God
’s presence – like love, peace, acceptance, challenge, or forgiveness. 
As you become more aware of God with you this week, notice your response to God. Was it, on the whole, positive? If so, give thanks. Were there times when you were out of tune with God? Bring them to God for God
’s forgiveness and strength. 
In the light of what you
’ve seen here, look forward to next week. What single gift do you most need from God as you move forward? Ask for that gift now, as this prayer draws to a close. 
O Wisdom
Lord and Ruler
Root of Jesse
Key of David
Rising Sun
King of the Nations

Come, Lord Jesus 

Saturday, 4 December
1st week of Advent
00:00 -00:00