Saints John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues and companions

Today is Tuesday the 19 of October, the feast of Saints John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues and companions, in the 29
 week of Ordinary time.


Tommy Blaize sings a setting of Psalm 40, by Steven Faux. ‘I waited patiently…for the Lord, He turned to me…He set my feet on rock.’

Today’s reading is from Psalm 39 of the Grail and can be found as Psalm 40 in other versions of the Bible.

Psalm 39 (Grail) (Psalm 40 elsewhere)

I waited, I waited for the Lord
And he stooped down to me;
He heard my cry.

He drew me from the deadly pit,
From the miry clay.
He set my feet upon a rock.
And made my footsteps firm.

He put a new song into my mouth,
Praise of our God.
Many shall see and fear
And shall trust in the Lord.

Happy the man who has placed
His trust in the Lord

And has not gone over to the rebels
Who follow false gods.

How many, O Lord my God,
Are the wonders and designs
That you have worked for us
You have no equal.

Should I proclaim and speak of them,

They are more than I can tell!

‘I waited… I waited for the Lord.’ How many times on your walk with the Lord have you said these words? Perhaps you find yourself saying similar words today…

Can you recall a time when God set your ‘feet upon a rock’ after a difficult trial or ordeal in your life? How did it feel? A sense of relief? Tiredness? Joy? Sit with that memory for a moment.

As you listen again, notice what most captures your inner attention in this Psalm…

‘He put a new song in my mouth’. Has God done this for you? Perhaps you’d like to ask God to put a new song in your mouth now as we draw this time of prayer to a close today…

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. 

Monday, 27 September
26th week in Ordinary Time
00:00 -00:00