Saturday Examen  

In preparation for the feast of Pentecost tomorrow, we will spend some time reflecting today on where we have noticed the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. Take a moment to become still as you become aware of God’s presence now…you might like to ask the Holy Spirit to guide you during this time of prayer…  


Looking back over your week, where did you notice the Holy Spirit moving?…  


Perhaps you encountered a movement of the spirit whilst making a particular decision… or maybe you felt comforted or consoled during a difficult time… perhaps a particular joy arrived in your heart during a time of prayer…  


Now looking back over your life, does a particular moment stand out to you where you experienced the Holy Spirit at work? Perhaps at a turning point in your life, or again, during a special time of prayer…  


Looking ahead, where would you like to see more of the Holy Spirit moving in your life? Take a moment now to talk to God about this… ask God for whatever it is you would like to experience more of as you continue on your journey of faith…


Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen. 

Saturday, 22 May
7th week of Easter
00:00 -00:00