Saturday Examen

Welcome to the first Saturday examen prayer. These will be weekly from now on and we hope offering seven days of prayer each week will be a fruitful addition to your prayer life. An examen prayer is a particular way of praying within Ignatian spirituality, the spirituality upon which our prayers are based. An examen is an opportunity to look back and reflect on God’s movement over a day, week, or significant period of time. Each Saturday, we will invite you to reflect in this way; to recognise what has been stirring in you.

Now, take a moment to become still and prepare yourself to enter into the presence of God…


  • Did I feel God’s presence with me in the course of my prayer this week?


  • Can I remember one particular scripture passage or verse that really touched me in the prayer this week?


  • Where did I feel a lightness of heart?


  • Where did I find it hard to hear God’s voice? Why was that?


  • As I look towards the coming days of Lent, what do I want to ask God for?


You have given all to me.
To you, Lord, I return it.

Everything is yours; do with it what you will.
Give me only your love and your grace,
that is enough for me.

Saturday, 20 February
The Season of Lent
00:00 -00:00