We rush because we think that we will get to our destination faster…...
Welcome to our Advent retreat for 2024. This year our retreat has been...
Welcome to our 2024 Lent retreat, The Cry From The Cross.Wednesday 14th...
We only need to glance at the global news to feel the force of suffering...
Welcome to 'Down to Earth', an imaginative journey for Advent to help you...
Welcome to this short retreat on the Acts of the Apostles. The Acts of the...
Welcome to the Pray as you go day retreat Living the Magnificat. This...
Pray with the Lord and Journey with Refugees Welcome to 'Way of the...
For Lent 2023, we're inviting you to slow down, use your imagination, and...
Welcome to this year's Lent retreat space.This is a space for you to...
Welcome to our 2021 Lent retreat, Growing Back Better.
Welcome to New Beginnings, an audio Advent retreat in collaboration with...
Welcome to this year’s Lent retreat. A retreat offers a chance to take a...